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Christian Aid Week
12 to 18 May 2024

‘Love…bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things. Love never ends.’
(1 Corinthians 13:7-8  NRSV) 

Christian Aid

How can I support Christian Aid this year?


  • Come along to our Open Morning to enjoy music, poetry and readings, to learn about Christian Aid, and to make a donation.


If you would like to donate to Christian Aid - and if possible Gift Aid your donation - then you can either:

  • Make a bank transfer to Trinity Church - Sort code 15-20-25 Account number 10099261 - with "Christian Aid" as the reference.  If you have not already signed a Gift Aid form with Trinity and would like to do so to help your donation go further, then please contact us.


  • Use the Donate button here and pay with a debit or credit card.

Why is my support important?


Watch the video giving Aline's story to see how your generosity makes a difference.

Christian Aid does extremely valuable work around the world, helping many out of poverty and towards a more sustainable future, and responding to crises such as earthquakes, pandemics and the effects of climate change

So we hope you will be moved to be generous both in making personal donations, and in supporting and enjoying the fund-raising activities.

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