Welcome to
Hong Kongers

Trinity Church, at the heart of Sutton, is pleased to be welcoming new arrivals from Hong Kong.
The middle of a pandemic is not an easy time to arrive in a new country and we want to support you as you settle here. We are accustomed to welcoming people of many nationalities to our congregation, which includes people from 26 nations. You will find a spiritual home here. You will find friends here.
Our Junior Church has classes for beginners, juniors, lower seniors and upper seniors, giving the opportunity for children from 5 to 18 years of age to learn about the Christian faith and to become disciples of Christ.
We have links with the Refugee and Migrant Network of Sutton and our minister has links with Mandarin and Cantonese speaking ministers who can offer specific support if you need it.

We offer Hong Kongers’ Fellowship. Cantonese services are usually somewhere other than at Trinity. Here is the vision of the fellowship in Chinese.
英國循道公會Trinity Church Sutton 歡迎香港人並大力支持Sutton香港人團契。團契由循道宗余周詠哲牧師(Kan牧師)帶領一群來自香港,現居住於英國Sutton 及周邊小鎮的基督徒組成. 透過主基督的恩典和感召,讓屬祂的人在耶穌基督的愛中相交,彼此關懷、建立,相愛合一,促進靈命成長,鼓勵肢體同心服侍,於英國紥根的同時, 同行天國路,實踐耶穌基督服務人群的使命, 融入主流社區,繼續發光發亮,見證主恩。