If you would like to make a donation online to support the work at Trinity, please choose one of the following two options:-

Bank transfer (BACS)
You can make a one-off donation by bank transfer. Our account details are:-
Royal Bank of Scotland Sort code 15 20 25 Account no 10099261
Payment card
If you wish to make a donation online you can do so here using a debit or credit card. This also facilitates Gift Aid - please complete the online Gift Aid declaration. However note that SumUp retain a very small percentage as an administration charge.
Thank you
Your support to Trinity is appreciated - a sincere thank you!

Gift Aid
If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, and if you are a UK taxpayer, please sign a Gift Aid form and then Trinity can reclaim the basic rate tax that you have already paid on your donation. So if you are paying £40 to Trinity out of your taxed income, you have already paid £10 basic rate tax on this amount, and Trinity can reclaim that £10 making your gift worth £50 to Trinity.
This does require that Trinity can identify your donations, which we can do if you use a bank transfer or donate using PayPal.
The Gift Aid form is very straightforward, and Gift Aid does not entail any commitment to future giving.