“May we find in fuller measure what it is in Christ we share.”
(Singing the Faith, Hymn 25 v1)
Trinity is one of 3 churches forming Churches Uniting in Central Sutton (CUCS). The other two churches are our near-neighbours:-
St Nicholas Parish Church (the Anglican church just down the hill from Trinity), and
Sutton Baptist Church (SBC) (just across Cheam Road from Trinity).
Our three churches are a Local Ecumenical Partnership and in January 2001 we entered into the following covenant:-
Churches Uniting in Central Sutton reaffirm the Covenant with God and with each other to work and pray together that a spirit of oneness in Christ be visibly demonstrated in shared life and through service and witness to the wider community.
"We aim not to do anything separately
that we could do together."
Trinity is also a member of Churches Together in Sutton and Cheam.
St Nicholas Church
Sutton Baptist Church (SBC)