There are a number of ways in which you can give money to support the work of Trinity.
Cash in the collection plate
You can of course simply place cash in the collection plate as you arrive at, or leave from, church. However this precludes Trinity from making a Gift Aid reclaim on your donation.
Giving to Trinity

Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, please sign a Gift Aid form and then Trinity can reclaim the basic rate tax that you have already paid on your donation. So if you are paying £40 to Trinity out of your taxed income, you have already paid £10 basic rate tax on this amount, and Trinity can reclaim that £10 making your gift worth £50 to Trinity.
This does require that Trinity can identify your donations, so you need to either use the envelope scheme or pay by bank standing order or bank transfer. If you are a higher rate taxpayer then you can reclaim the higher rate element of the tax.
The Gift Aid form is very straightforward, and Gift Aid does not entail any commitment to future giving.
The envelope scheme
If you join the envelope giving scheme you will be provided with a box of envelopes - either one envelope for each week or one for each month, whichever you prefer. You can then put your money in the envelope, and the envelope into the collection.
The envelope scheme provides two key benefits:-
It helps you, the giver, to keep track of your donations by providing a gift envelope for each week (or month) through the tax year from April to March.
If you use Gift Aid, the envelope scheme enables your gifts to be identified and recorded during the year against your envelope number, which provides the records needed for the tax reclaim. The number on the envelope is unique to you and enables your gifts to be recorded each week whilst maintaining an element of confidentiality.
Bank standing order
Many people avoid the complication of having to remember their envelopes by using a bank standing order. This is the preferred method of giving - it does of course facilite use of Gift Aid. Our account details are:-
Royal Bank of Scotland Sort code 15 20 25 Account no 10099261
Bank transfer (BACS)
You can make a one-off donation by bank transfer. Again Gift Aid is supported. Our account details are:-
Royal Bank of Scotland Sort code 15 20 25 Account no 10099261
You can post a cheque, made payable to Trinity Church, to our Treasurer Malcolm Booth. His address is:-
37 Sherwood Park Road, Sutton SM1 2SG

Online donations
If you wish to make a donation online you can do so here using a debit or credit card. This also facilitates Gift Aid - please complete the online Gift Aid declaration. However note that SumUp retain a very small percentage as an administration charge.
You can use the Tap-to-Give facility at the back of church to donate using a payment card or Google or Apple Pay. You will be invited to complete a Gift Aid declaration on the machine which will enable gift aid to be reclaimed for that and other payments made using the same payment card via our Tap-to-Give system.
Regular donors are encouraged to use envelopes or bank standing orders instead to avoid the small transaction charge incurred.

Just Giving
If you particularly wish your donation to remain anonymous, you can use the Just Giving website. This also facilitates Gift Aid, with the tax reclaim being done by Just Giving who pass the reclaimed tax to Trinity. However note that Just Giving retain a small percentage as an administration charge.
Do please also consider leaving a legacy to Trinity when writing your will. If you intend to do this it is very important to identify the charity accurately. Please identify us as
Trinity (URC/Methodist) Church, Sutton, Surrey - Charity number 1136623
For more information
If you would like to change your method of giving, or arrange to Gift Aid your giving, or if you have any questions, please contact Malcolm Booth, our Treasurer, (020 8715 0514 or email Malcolm Booth) or use our contact form.
Thank you
Your support to Trinity is appreciated - a sincere thank you!