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Gallery archive 2015

To see photos from some of our recent events click on the heading or the thumbnail image....

20 December 2015

Our Nativity service was led by our young people exploring both the traditional and contemporary aspects of the nativity story.

18 December 2015

Trinity sang carols outside Sutton Station for an hour raising over £200 for Action for Children. Looks like they enjoyed themselves!

13 December 2015

Our youth group "Bunker", together with Dave and Yvette, enjoyed a Christmas outing to the Tower of London ice rink.

6 December 2015

We visited the fantastic Wallace Collection in Hertford House where we had an excellent guided "highlights tour", and then walked around the West End seeing the Christmas Lights in Oxford Street and Regent Street, and in shop windows such as Selfridges and Hamley's.

5 December 2015

Our youth group "Bunker" ran a very enjoyable dinner and quiz raising funds for Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton (RMNS).  See who won the teddy bears in the raffle!  Congratulations to the winning team...

8 November 2015

Our Bunker youth group celebrated Guy Fawkes Night with fireworks and hot dogs!

1 November 2015

People who were relatively new to Trinity were invited to a light lunch and introduced to some of the opportunities offered by the church.


25 October 2015

10 of us enjoyed beautiful autumnal weather and tree colours as we walked over Leith Hill.


27 September 2015

The church was a picture and the young people in Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts joined the service to hear about Harvest and the story of Harvey the Harvest Mouse - and his friends  Woody the Woodmouse, Furry the Field Mouse and Dozy the Dormouse.  The choir sang a newly-written anthem in which the words of a former Trinity minister, the Revd Fred Pratt Green, are set to new music.  It is “God in his love for us lent us this planet.” 

20 September 2015

After a picnic by the Thames we used the Hampton Ferry to reach the Garrick Temple to Shakespeare where we were given an illuminating talk.  Then a 4 mile walk through Bushey Park and the grounds of Hampton Court Palace before tea in a cafe by the river - and all in the sun!

2 August 2015

A pleasant Sunday afternoon stroll along the Regents Canal brought us to the Ragged School Museum.  The Ragged School was formed in 1876 when Dr Bernado turned an old warehouse into a free school for 5-10 year olds.  We "enjoyed" a Victorian lesson, when unfortunately some of our number needed to be severely chastised for such misbehaviour as wearing earrings!

5 July 2015

The Bunker youth group enjoyed a swim barbecue at the Olivers' home.

21 June 2015

A small group of us (well we shouldn't have chosen Father's Day!) enjoyed a walk through Morden Hall Park to Deen City Farm, where Edna the owl was the star performer, and on to Abbey Mills.

15 March 2015

On Mothering Sunday the young people prepared daffodils to give to ladies in church in the morning service, in the afternoon a small group of us enjoyed a visit to the Docklands Museum, and then in the evening the Bunker youth group prepared a meal for their parents...

11 January 2015

20 of us travelled to London, saw Buckingham Palace, enjoyed a walk through St James Park, were moved by a silent demonstration in Trafalgar Square (in memory of those killed by terrorists in Paris during the week and protesting "Je suis Charlie"), enjoyed a tour and explanations of several paintings in the National Gallery and then saw the red, white and blue projections in Trafalgar Square showing support to the people of France as we left for home.

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