Trinity Overseas
“We love because God first loved us.”
1 John 4:19
Trinity set itself the "Trinity Overseas Challenge."
In 2020 we marked the first Sunday in Lent by launching the Trinity Overseas Challenge with a lunch when we learnt more about the project, and the challenge to raise at least £5,000 by Easter Day, (which will be match funded 19:1 by USAID.) We extended our deadline into 2021 due to the pandemic and in September our target was reached. A cheque for £5,885.72 has been sent to Christian Aid. A big thank you to everyone who contributed!
The project was a Christian Aid Community Project in Kenya helping to ensure children affected by HIV/AIDS are able to receive an education, health care and access to social services.
You can download pdf documents giving a project summary, the project details and the latest progress report.

In 2019 we met our pledge to raise £7,000 which was matched 17:1.
In each of 2016, 2017 and 2018 we surpassed our £5000 targets thanks mainly to generous donations during Lent, and our donations were multiplied by 3:1 matching funding from the EU.
In 2018 we supported a Christian Aid Community Project "Creating new jobs and increasing environmentally sustainable economic activities for young people in Ghana".
In 2017 we supported another Christian Aid Community Project addressing the wellbeing of women and girls in Ethiopia.
In 2016 we supported a Christian Aid partner project - ‘Empowering Women and girls securing reproductive and sexual health in El Salvador and Honduras.’