2017 hire rates
Standard rate
per hour
Trinity Hall £28.00
Minor Hall £19.00
Parlour £19.00
Terrace Room £19.00
Use of kitchen for food £14.00 (flat rate)
Use of kitchen for tea/coffee Free of charge but
must be booked
The church is also available for bookings at:-
£150 per day for religious services
£225 per day for secular events
Charities 25%
Regular bookings 10% (new for 2017)
Regular charity bookings 35% (new for 2017)
"Regular" bookings are at least weekly
during term time.
Minimum booking duration 1 hour
The kitchen is only available together with hire of a hall.
Security charge
For most one-off bookings and especially parties we require a returnable deposit or a security charge authorised against a payment card of up to £200.
You will be contacted by phone a week or two before your booking to authorise this charge but it will only be processed if there has been a breach of the Conditions of Hire. Normally it will be voided after the booking.